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Trimble Connect Virtual Reality


About the project

TCVr created for the management team to represent the BIM models to the client. Functionality of the project is similar to Trimble connect Holo Lens. 


Prototype has been created to measure the browser and UI element size. Measured the distance between the user and browser, measured the UI elements size in dmm and converted to pixel size for visual design creation. 

We got an open space to explore more aesthetics techniques in design. We have adapted a game and line theme in designing the visual design. Defined the stylus on top of the controller as a tool to interact with the UI elements. Model launch, Fly mode, Teleport, Measurement, Todo creation are the features focused. 


Browser view - Prototyping

Measuring Dmm (1 millimeter viewed at 1 meter away) to understand the dimension of UI elements. 


Using section plane in 3D model


Using fly mode in immersed 3D model

My role in TCVr

Ideation & Brainstorming


Information Architecture

Low fidelity & High fidelity wireframes 

Visual Designs

As the nature of the work is confidential, I won't be able to show any other details here. But it will be a pleasure to discuss it in offline.  

Duration: 6 Months  |   Place: Trimble

Published by Trimble Inc. Copyright Trimble Inc. 2019. All rights reserved.

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